Kopp and I fed the cows together tonight and I almost DIED!!! We were heading down the hill to feed the herd across the road. They just so happened to all be at the top by the gate (which, of COURSE, … [Read More...]
Happy, healthy, responsibly raised beef.
The smarter way to buy beef
Next beef processing dates: February 2025
All processing dates are first-come, first-served. Call today to reserve your spot!
Eat Consciously
Two Ways to Buy Your Farm to Table Beef
By the Pound or Cut
Buying a whole or half cow is the most economical and best option, but if you don’t have the space for a whole or half beef package, or if you’d like specific cuts, buying by the pound or cut is an option.
While you won’t see the same cost savings as if you purchased a half or whole cow, you’ll still see a price break by cutting out the middleman and the reap benefits of knowing where your meat came from and how the animals were raised.
Half or Whole
Whether you have a large family, frequent gatherings, or have a grocery budget to stick to, a whole or half beef package provides the best value and variety of cuts for endless meal planning possibilities.
Your cuts, which can be customized, can include a combination of chuck roast, prime rib, rump roast, sirloin steaks, tenderloin, T-Bone, New York Strips, brisket, stew meat, and ground beef. Fill your freezer with quality cuts of responsibly raised and processed beef.
Locally raised and loved
At Kopp Farm to Table Beef, we take raising cattle seriously. It’s our life’s work, and we care about every step from conception to consumption.
Owned and operated by husband and wife team Jason and Tara Kopp, our cattle is raised humanely in free-range pastures with unlimited access to all essentials – from grain, grasses and feed, to water, and shelter.
Cows are cared for by our team, along with our veterinary partners, processors, feed stores and agriculture retails, all of whom ensure we are providing our animals with the best upbringing.
We even grow the corn and hay that make up our cattles’ diet. We’re involved in every aspect of raising the cattle, and take great care in ensuring the health of our animals and our customers. They truly are happy, healthy animals.
We love our cows, our farm, and that we have the opportunity to serve local communities with safe, healthy food choices — from our farm to your table.
Raising cattle is an adventure.
Read some of Tara’s Stories to get a firsthand perspective of life on the farm.
What else is there to do for the evening after edu-taining children all day? Why, chase a calf, of course! So, today's calf-tastrophe started earlier this afternoon when I got a message from a … [Read More...]
Charlotte and I noticed a new calf in the corner of the pasture as we came down the driveway from domestic shopping Sunday morning. I hopped out of the car to check on it and of course, I spooked it, … [Read More...]
Frequently Asked Questions
Beef is $3.75* per pound times the hanging weight of the carcass. For example, $3.75 x 700 pound carcass = $2,625. Customers pay the processor directly for their services, which is typically $1.25 per pound, but depends on the options selected.
*Market-based and subject to fluctuation
A quick summary:
Whole beef: $3.75/pound x 700-lb. carcass = $2,625
Processing: $1.25/pound x 700-lb carcass = $875
Total: $3,500/ 500 lb take home weight or $7.00/lb